February 2018 Update: Announcing PRT Status Notifications

It’s been a quick minute since I’ve had time to update my blog; we’ll just pretend I’ve been here the last four months, right?

Even though I’ve been a bit absent from my blog, that’s not to say I have nothing to show for the last four months, at least. Besides keeping busy with classes and my job, I’ve also been pursuing some new personal projects, both with a friend of mine, as well as a solo project, specifically pertaining to my iOS development. I was hoping to have something in the works to announce by the end of October, but my first plan didn’t pan out the way I hoped it would so I put the project on the back burner for a few months. For the last month I’ve been working on it again, and it’s almost ready so I’m finally able to confidently announce my new project…


As a student at WVU, I’m not immune to needing the PRT (and being let down when it’s out of service). When you rely upon it, you really just need to know immediately at any given point if something happens, so that you can plan ahead and adjust accordingly. I’ve found an app or two over the years on the App Store that allowed me to check the status on my phone, but it’s so inconvenient having to manually check them or log into Twitter to check the WVU DOT feed when I need to know now.

That’s why I’ve built PRT Status Notifications. Its primary functionality within the app is checking the status of the PRT. No clicking around or refreshing a feed, if you have an internet connection it will automatically update every time you open the app. But it doesn’t stop there. Should you choose to allow push notifications, you won’t even have to open the app to check. You’ll start to receive notifications with information such as affected stations, bus pickup locations, and estimated downtime in a single notification, and later be alerted when the system is confirmed back on a normal schedule.

If you have an Apple Watch, you’ll also be able to check the system status from your watch for the first time (that I’m aware of). Just like the iPhone app, the Apple Watch app will automatically refresh every time the app becomes visible, whether you open it from your home screen, dock, or it being the last-running app that comes up when you turn your wrist.

PRT Status Notifications is currently in invitation-based beta testing via Apple’s TestFlight system. If you’re interested in receiving an invitation to help provide feedback, please send an email to ‘prt-status-feedback (at) bryanstone.net’ with your name and email-address.

Watch for PRT Status Notifications to release on the App Store! Follow my blog and you’ll be the first to know when it drops. Happy February to all, until next time!


October 2017 Update: Looking to the Future

I haven’t gotten to do much as far as iOS development since the release of the Blue Calculator+ Apple Watch companion app, but I definitely have ideas in the pipeline, pending some proof of concepts I need to experiment with around my class schedule. (It’s a little draining to think about continuing to learn Swift in my free time, around the four computer science classes I’m already taking this semester). That said, I’m hoping to have something put together enough for a new app announcement by Halloween, and hopefully released for people to take advantage of by the spring semester! So stay tuned for news on that.

Happy October! And if you’re new to my blog check out Blue Calculator+!


New School Year, New Site

This summer I blew away the site I had initially set up last year, because frankly I didn’t have use for a blog. But now it’s back, and better than ever pretty much the same exact set up it was before, except now I have stuff to post about. Over the last week, now that I have reliable access to a Mac (that isn’t from 2001), I’ve had access to Xcode, so I’ve been able to truly start learning develop iOS apps for the first time, something I’ve wanted to do for years.

My first app, Blue Calculator+, is nothing special, but it serves two purposes: it helped me start learning to use the Xcode environment and the Swift programming language, and it’s also a calculator app I wanted on my phone because it always, always bugged me that the native iOS calculator has so much functionality that you have to rotate the device to access. Not to mention that it’s not even on iPads, unless that changed in the last couple years.

It’s definitely been a learning experience, and I’m sure I’ll release updates as I learn more about developing for iOS, but I think the app in its current state is a pretty usable little tool, with a design that isn’t hideous, and hey, I’m going to release it ad-free, for free, so maybe give a shot when it becomes available.

This should do well enough for my first blog post, so that’s all for now. Stay tuned for more updates about Blue Calc+ soon!
