Coming Soon: Blue Calculator+ Watch Companion

After conducting some more testing, I have eliminated the bugs from Blue Calculator+’s Apple Watch companion app. Now that it seems to be stable and not crashing, I think it’s ready to be pushed with my first App Store update! I’m submitting the update to review this weekend, so by sometime next week it should be an available update. Keep an eye out for it!


Bringing Back the 80’s with a Calculator Watch

Blue Calculator+ is now fully available in the App Store (check it out!), and I’m already planning more for it as I continue learning iOS development. Tonight I’ve begun experimenting with watchOS development, to create an Apple Watch companion to Blue Calculator+. I’m beginning internal testing now, and I’m hoping to have the update sent to App Store Review within a few days.

This may or may not also help me (jokingly) prove to my brother that my Apple Watch is superior to his retro Casio calculator watch. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Blue Calculator+, Coming Soon to an App Store Near You

I’m excited to say that this evening I submitted my latest build of Blue Calculator+ for review so that it can (hopefully) be included in the App Store. Once approved, it’ll officially be my very first app published to the world, and that has me super excited. I know that most people probably will never even hear of it, but it’ll be so cool to be able to point at it and say “I made that.” If nothing else, it’s a calculator that I myself can use on my phone, so I’d say if it’s what I’m looking for, maybe it’s what someone else is looking for to.

To the future!


New School Year, New Site

This summer I blew away the site I had initially set up last year, because frankly I didn’t have use for a blog. But now it’s back, and better than ever pretty much the same exact set up it was before, except now I have stuff to post about. Over the last week, now that I have reliable access to a Mac (that isn’t from 2001), I’ve had access to Xcode, so I’ve been able to truly start learning develop iOS apps for the first time, something I’ve wanted to do for years.

My first app, Blue Calculator+, is nothing special, but it serves two purposes: it helped me start learning to use the Xcode environment and the Swift programming language, and it’s also a calculator app I wanted on my phone because it always, always bugged me that the native iOS calculator has so much functionality that you have to rotate the device to access. Not to mention that it’s not even on iPads, unless that changed in the last couple years.

It’s definitely been a learning experience, and I’m sure I’ll release updates as I learn more about developing for iOS, but I think the app in its current state is a pretty usable little tool, with a design that isn’t hideous, and hey, I’m going to release it ad-free, for free, so maybe give a shot when it becomes available.

This should do well enough for my first blog post, so that’s all for now. Stay tuned for more updates about Blue Calc+ soon!
